Francis Drake Bowls Club |
Affiliated to Bowls England and Kent County Bowling association.
Casual or experienced bowlers and new members most welcome. Qualified EBCS coaching available, equipment including bowls and regulation bowling shoes supplied.
During the outdoor season (which runs from late April to early October ) the club has regular casual roll ups, friendly
and league matches with mixed male & female teams, Kent competitions & individual club championships. See fixtures for more details.
This is a council owned facility and the grounds are maintained by Glendale. The club is run by the members headed by a small committee and in line with the club's constitution. The green has set opening times dependent on club fixtures, the English weather and the availability of a key holding member but can also be used at other times when a key holding member is available.
"It has often been said that, standing on the top of Hilly Fields on a windy day, one may inhale the sea breezes which flow in a direct course through the hills from the south coast. It may account for the prevailing idea that Brockley is the healthiest spot in the whole of London..." - The Brockley News, Friday 20th August 1920.
Bowls rink opened on Hilly Fields
Five years old Arthur Guidotti peers through gate and vows to play bowls one day
Club celebrates 50th Jubilee Year
Don Thurnell & Len Bridges begin to create the special FDBC spirit that remains to this day
Maestro Patrick Strain joins FDBC, raising the standard of competitive bowling to new brilliance
FDBC Centenary is celebrated and 75 years after thinking about it, Mr Guidotti finally joins the club...
Mick Singer takes over as Team Captain as Billy Jenkins steps down, and promptly leads FDBC to their first ever John Collyer League Championship victory!
After 104 years of watering by hose and hand, our green finally gets an automated watering system, with grateful thanks to the Mayor's Fund.
Club shirt introduced in 2010
Bowls for all clubs severely restricted due to COVID pandemic
Back to normal - almost!
During the season Covid-19 restrictions were gradually eased by the government and play was virtually back to normal by mid July. One notable restriction remained: although we could now use the clubhouse changing rooms social distancing had to be observed. So, to avoid overcrowding caused by everyone changing into whites, we wore greys throughout the season.