Francis Drake Bowls Club


Roving Jack fun competition

Rules of our annual Roving Jack single competition.

  1. Whoever wins the mat at the start of the game can place it anywhere on the rink, facing any direction.
  2. Bowl the jack in any direction, any length over about 15m (this is a fun game, so no measuring of the jack).
  3. Each player bowls four woods (this is where the fun starts) and then score in the usual manner.
  4. Winner of the end then places the mat about 1m from the jack and bowls it in any direction.


This photo shows how we frequently have to bowl across each other's line.

Woods often collide en-route to the head, or woods from another game move the jack or alter the head. Sometimes walking to the head to score is like jay-walking on the M1!

Scores are kept individually Today we played 5 ends (6 if a tie), handed in the scorecard and played a different person. After three such games (15 to 18 ends) the winners were announced.

Today we had a three-way tie between Heather, Ron and John (circled in this photo at tea).