Francis Drake Bowls Club


Opening of the Green

The Green is now open for play

For the moment we will play in greys for all our games.

Initially you MUST BOOK a place in order to play at the roll ups. There will be the usual sheets to sign up if you want to play in the games.
No visitors or spectators will be allowed in whilst we are playing.
There will be a £1 greens fee for each time you play.

We will be playing triples and rinks but this requires there to be a rink gap between each group.

Beryl is the appointed person to cater for the club outdoors. No one else should enter the clubhouse to make any refreshments. We are hoping that this will change later in May.

We will be reviewing playing conditions and the booking system as we go along, We am sure things will alter as we progress. Can we ask everybody to be understanding, tolerant and compliant with all playing and safety conditions as of the present time!

Please remember to always maintain social distancing especially at the start and finish of the sessions.

We will have hand sanitiser at the club but would urge you to bring your own.

Ensure you have read the policy for Francis Drake.

You will need to fill in a disclaimer form and sign in the register before you start playing. Please bring your own pen.

Please come prepared to play as we will not be opening the changing rooms until the 17th May at the earliest. You will need to change your shoes at the end of the rinks.

There will be instructions on the use of mats and jacks. (This will follow the same procedure as last year).

You may book two sessions in the same week with one phone call. txt, email.

You may book for other members from the same household.

The toilets will be open but you must sanitise them before and after use.


Week one Ken Shooter (31 May ->)

Week two Paul Braithwate (7 Jun ->)

Week three Jill Bonner (14 Jun ->)

Week four Ron Phillips (21 Jun ->)

Please do not leave messages on answerphones or voicemail. They may not be answered!

As you will be aware situations are changing quite frequently. The committee will be taking note of the Governments road map and guidance from Bowls England and will keep you informed of any changes that we are able to make.

Can’t wait to see you all. Make sure you’ve sent your membership forms and paid your fees.

The Committee