Francis Drake Bowls Club


We are bowling : UPDATE

Policy for Francis Drake Bowls Club during the COVID pandemic.


1. Introduction
2. Responsibilities of all attending
3. Arrangements to attend
4. Playing formats/playing the game
5. Clubhouse and Facilities
6. Equipment
7. In advance/on arrival
8. Finish play and leave

1. Introduction

AIM: to minimise any risk for members, Glendale/Lewisham staff and the wider community due to club activities, recognising that it is impossible to remove all risk. 

BASIS: firmly based on the guidance from Bowls England which has been approved by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

REVIEW: This policy may be updated at any time if Government guidance changes.

2. Responsibilities for all attending

2.1. Read and follow this policy and ensure the safety of themselves and others;
2.2. Stay away if they or any member of their household is unwell in any way;
2.3. Ensure 2020 club membership paid;
2.4. Whatever the reason for attending all sanitising procedures apply;
2.5. Remain a minimum of social distancing from others at all times;
2.6. At all times take into account all current Government guidance and their own individual situation (age, health issues etc) when deciding if and when they will come to the club/bowl, and take responsibility for the decisions they make.
2.7. Be respectful of others who may have different opinions.

3. Arrangements to attend for bowling/working/spectating

3.1. Off site booking system for everyone attending.
3.2. Arrangements can be made for anyone who is not a key holder.
3.3. Maximum of 12 bowling
3.4. To book - Call, text, email person responsible for booking  **see footnote
 a) Book a minimum of 24 hours in advance, confirmation same day.
 b) Advise if you plan to bring a bicycle or motor bike so advice can be given.
 c) bowls pusher is required to assist with mobility so this can be made available
3.5. Details of session times will be circulated to those who register to play. There will be a15-minute gap between sessions to enable players to arrive/depart safely
3.6. Records will be kept to enable support for any relevant track and trace system.

4. Playing formats/ playing the game

4.1. Only play on the rink which you have been allocated and use the bench(es) closest to either end to sit or put belongings on ensuring social distancing. Rinks will be left set out with a rink space free between. Do NOT touch rink markings unless you have been specifically requested to do so.
4.2. Although in theory a person is now able to meet with up to five other people from different households so triples could be played, we are currently limiting play to
 a) . Sole use of rink
 b). Singles (with or without a marker) – only one person touches mat(s), only one person touches jack(s) throughout the session
 c). Pairs – only two people (one each end) touch mat(s), only two people(one each end) touch jack throughout the session
4.3. Players agree which side of the rink they will walk up and down throughout the session, to ensure two metre social distancing. 
4.4. Avoid measuring

5. Clubhouse and Facilities

5.1. The main clubhouse and all 3 wooden cabins are out of use;
5.2. Tool shed and right hand green lock up should only be accessed in exceptional circumstances and then gloves must be worn when opening up and while using any of the equipment and everything carefully sanitised before and after use;
5.3. BINS - Only use lined bins in lock-up, take personal rubbish away.
5.4. Bowlers and visitors must use the appropriate soap, hand sanitisers, surface sprays and disposable gloves which are available (+ masks for use in an emergency);
5.5. Monitors – volunteers organised by participating bowlers will ensure
 a). supplies of sanitising products;
 b). regular cleaning of areas in use
 c). repositioning of rink markers

6. Equipment

6.1. Two mats and Two jacks per rink are the only club bowling equipment to be used;
6.2. Wash or sanitise hands and sanitise thoroughly any equipment used, (including bowls, mats, jacks) before and after play with antiviral spray provided – do not assume the person before you has done so
6.3. Use your own bowls, cloth, chalk, glove and other special aids as required;
6.4. Any scorecard used completed by one person using their own pen;
6.5. Do not use scoreboards, 2m distance sticks or bowls pushers;*
*A single bowls pusher arranged in advance may be used to assist with mobility impairment.

7. In Advance/on arrival

7.1. Wear gloves and/or hand sanitiser with you;
7.2. Take any food or drink you might need with you;
7.3. Arrive in suitable clothes so only need to change shoes, bring all your own bowls etc with you in a closed bag/case;
7.4. If you arrive early wait outside until your allocated rink and benches are free;
7.5. Sanitise padlocks, keys and door handles before and after use;
7.6. Wear disposable gloves whilst unlocking and dispose of these once you are ready to change shoes and play.
7.7. Follow guidelines detailed inside door of first lock-up
7.8. Wash or sanitise hands immediately before playing.

8. When you finish playing/leave

8.1. Stop play as soon as your session ends, do not loiter unnecessarily
8.2. You should then:
Wash/sanitise hands > change shoes and sanitise all equipment used and pack all personal belongings
> wash/sanitise hands> sanitise all equipment used
> wash/sanitise hands> put gloves on (see 5.2) before leaving and lock up if you are the last to leave.

** Person responsible for booking is on a rota:

July 28 - Aug 2 (Ron)

Aug 4 - 9  (Sylvia)

Aug 11 - 16  (Beryl)

Aug 18 - 23 (Ken)

Aug 25 - 30  (Paul)